Sustainable Impact

Compostable Packaging: What to know & When to use it?

Mikey Pasciuto
September 19, 2024
7 minutes

Compostable Packaging: What to know & When to use it?

With the rise of sustainability, choosing the right packaging for your brand is becoming more and more difficult. There are thousands of different packaging options available and numerous requirements to meet, such as shelf-life, brand recognition, marketing, logistics, recyclability, compostability, and, most importantly - protecting the product. If you are starting your sustainable packaging journey, you came to the right place as this article will break down compostability and what it means for your packaging. In this article, we will break down compostable packaging, how it works, the difference between industrial vs home compostable, the challenges compostable packaging faces today, and what applications are a good fit for your brand.

Unlike traditional packaging, compostable packaging can break down naturally, just like leaves and plants. There are two main types of compostable packaging: Home Compostable and Industrially Compostable. Home Compostable packaging can be composted at home, while Industrially Compostable packaging needs to be brought to special processing facilities or placed in your compost bin when allowed by a local waste program.

Due to the differences of these processes there are gaps in infrastructure to support each type of composting. Home composting relies heavily on individuals to participate if municipal food waste programs aren’t provided, while industrial composting requires significant infrastructure to process more complex materials. Before selecting what type of compostable packaging is right for your brand, understand where each package will end up.

A Note About Biodegradables Packaging: It's important to note that not all packaging labeled as “biodegradable” is necessarily compostable (just like how something being labeled “edible” does not mean it should be eaten), so make sure to check the label and be careful not to place any biodegradable packaging in the compost bin.

Industrial Composting Process

Have you ever wondered what happens to your curbside compost collection after it's picked up? Here's a quick breakdown of the process:

  1. Compost is collected curbside by the town or a private waste hauler and brought to the facility.
  2. At the facility, the materials go through a sorting process to remove any non-compostable items, like plastic bags and trash, that could contaminate the compost.
  3. Food products rich in nitrogen, like leafy greens, garden, and food waste, are mixed to create a nutrient "smoothie" that helps speed up the composting process.
  4. Once the smoothie is ready, carbon-rich items like leaves, branches, and paper are added to balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio.
  5. The mixture is then placed in long windrows and piles or sealed containers, where it is watered and mixed daily to promote decomposition.
  6. During this step, compost can be made in a lot of different ways. Large-scale/industrial composting processes vary, but the primary methods are windrows, in-vessel, and aerated static piles. Windrows are long rows of organic waste, piled about 4-8 feet high and 14-16 feet long, and are aerated to keep the compost pile active. Aerated static piles follow the same procedure as windrows but the waste is placed in the shape of a pile. These two methods can’t handle meat, dairy, or bioplastic products because they are vulnerable to pests and require higher temperatures. They also have to be turned routinely to keep airflow and temperature within ideal ranges. On the other hand, in-vessel composting uses a covered drum, trench, or silo that can control temperature, airflow, and other variables. Because the drum is covered, pests can’t get in, so meat and dairy can be composted this way. Inside the vessel, the material is turned repeatedly for aeration. Due to this heavily involved process, the compost is ready in just a few weeks, but in-vessel composting is more expensive, and the vessels need to be artificially cooled to keep the microbial activity in balance.
  7. After three to six months, a dark, nutrient-rich soil mix is created (compost), which can be sold to farms, gardeners, or hardware stores as an excellent soil additive. Compost is essential for creating regenerative natural soil that supports plants and critters.
Windrow composting

Home Composting Process

For home composting, the process is much simpler. Home composting can be as simple as a pile in the backyard or as complex as a tower with layers and different organisms. Most individuals curious about home composting programs often get analysis-paralysis over which bin they should go with. Bins can be made of plastic, old pallets, or a pile. Each bin comes with advantages bin that is the most convenient. The more convenient the bin the more it is used. After a bin is selected, choose a location for the bin that is accessible but away so that any smells don't cause a disturbance.

Home compost bins come in many shapes and sizes

Once the bin is set up, materials are added to the bin. Compostable materials are broken into two categories: "brown" materials and "green" materials.

"Green" materials are rich in nitrogen and include things like uncooked vegetables and fruits, tea bags, coffee grounds, and eggshells. "Green" materials help speed up the process of decomposition––think of them as materials that are still "alive."

"Brown" materials are rich in carbon, and include things such as dried leaves, dried grass clippings, pine needles, corn cobs, hay, newspaper or coffee filters. "Brown" materials provide long-term energy to feed and fuel the microbes in your compost.

Generally speaking, there are many materials to avoid composting, including anything containing fats, oil, meat, processed foods and industrial compostable packaging . If home compost bins are collected by a composter what can go in the bin can change. Some local haulers have the ability and scale to process these items but be sure to read their guidelines before putting them in the home bin. As more material is added to the bin, the ideal ration to maintain is between 20:1 or 30:1 carbon to nitrogen. A good rule of thumb is if the bin smells, then add more browns; if the process is taking too long add more greens.

Composting is a simple and effective way to reduce waste and nourish the earth. With home composting options like creating a compost pile of leaves, food waste, cardboard, and organic material, it's easy to get started. The key to successful composting lies in factors such as temperature, airflow, water, and a good balance of browns and greens. You can use a variety of composting bins at home, ranging from pallet boxes to tumblers and countertop units.

Once ratios are correct compost bins require the same attention as a houseplant. Compost piles need moisture, heat (between 120-160 Fahrenheit), and air to support communities of microorganisms. This can be accomplished with watering whenever it doesn't rain for an extended period of time, adding enough material for the pile to maintain its heat, and turning the compost pile over to let air in. If the pile functions correctly, finished compost will be available in a few months.

Now that there is an understanding of where compostable packages end up, let us look at the advantages and disadvantages of using compostable packaging as a choice for brands.

Advantages of Compostable Materials ✅

  • Compostable materials break down into natural substances like water, carbon dioxide, and organic matter, reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills.
  • When composted, these materials contribute to the production of nutrient-rich compost that enhances soil health and fertility.
  • Compostable materials are derived from renewable resources such as plant starch, cellulose, and agricultural by-products, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Compostable materials decompose into non-toxic components, reducing the risk of harmful substances leaching into the environment.
  • Compostable materials that end up as litter are less harmful to wildlife and ecosystems as they degrade more rapidly than traditional plastics.

Disadvantages of Compostable Materials ⛔️

  • Compostable materials often require specific conditions to break down effectively, such as industrial composting facilities with controlled temperatures, moisture levels, and microbial activity. Home composting may not be sufficient.
  • Improper disposal or mixing with non-compostable materials can contaminate compost streams, reducing the quality of the resulting compost.
  • The production of compostable materials can be more expensive than conventional plastics, impacting their competitiveness in the market.
  • Compostable materials may have different mechanical properties compared to conventional plastics, such as lower strength, flexibility, and durability.
  • Some compostable materials may have a shorter shelf life and can begin to degrade during storage if not kept under optimal conditions.
  • Compostable materials can have an "earthy" look which may not align with prestige or luxury brands.
  • Many regions lack adequate industrial composting infrastructure to process compostable materials effectively, leading to improper disposal in landfills.

Composting is by no means a silver bullet, but integrating your packaging into the organic waste stream is a great way of feeding back into the natural processes that Earth has benefitted from for millions of years. While the infrastructure in the end markets is a problem in some areas, more and more governments are mandating the inclusion of organic waste collection services.

How can Scrapp help?

Are you embarking on your own zero-waste journey? Our sustainability experts are here to guide you. So, if you need further guidance, personalized strategies, or more details about our digital recycling tools, don't hesitate to reach out. We're committed to helping you achieve your zero-waste goals.

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Article by
Mikey Pasciuto