Your data-driven waste accountants
Implement practices that lower operational costs while enhancing diversion rates.
Implement practices that lower operational costs while enhancing diversion rates.
Track your footprint automatically and reduce the need for outdated spreadsheets.
Only 15% of businesses will meet their zero-waste goals. Is this you?
Building a strategy around audits alone doesn't set you up for long-term success.
Use our software to analyze unstructured data like Purchase Orders and Invoices, to see what waste you're bringing into your organization.
Regulations are always changing. Operations are always moving. Centralize your global waste programs to save you time, headaches and money.
Our highly qualified team will be on hand to help you organize your data and establish simple workflows.
Upload your newly sourced and formatted data, ready for Scrapp's tracking technology and APIs to automate tracking of your waste flows.
Use Scrapp's software to discover new ways to achieve your waste reduction goals in as little as 1 month.
No waste stream goes untracked, with Scrapp's comprehensive database on all types of waste
Incentivize positive behavior change with custom reward programs for your staff
Seamlessly integrate your waste into the Scrapp platform from multiple sources
Analyze your footprint across different areas of your business and see the impact in real-time
Gain access to our catalogue of onsite resources and educational content
Choose from one of the available ESG and CSR frameworks to speed up your waste reporting
Communicate your impact using our share feature for your internal and external channels
Gain insights into your waste streams to build zero-waste strategies that are designed to last
Using Scrapp's education-first approach
Using Scrapp's gamified software
Act on the data in same quarter you get started in
Ensure you achieve your zero-waste goals - at scale.
For businesses with up to 5 buildings or offices.
For businesses with up to 10 buildings or offices.
For businesses with over 10 buildings, offices or a unique venue (eg. stadium).
For businesses with up to 5 buildings or offices.
For businesses with up to 10 buildings or offices.
For businesses with over 10 buildings, offices or a unique venue (eg. stadium).
Can’t find what you’re looking for here? Send us a message, or book in a call with one of our experts. We love to chat!
Each time someone recycles with Scrapp we automatically offset ocean-bound plastic. But for those looking to make an even bigger splash, you can purchase an educational license of Scrapp for Schools, to help teach kids at your local school about the circular economy. Simply let the team know when you have your demo call and they will explain more about the program.
All Scrapp's software operates on the same technology and data. We have different packages because the value proposition changes. The underlying technology system compliment each other. So much so, you could be a business that has operational waste and product line waste. Through Scrapp, you can track them both!
This is a question that separates the good from the great. If you are looking to be proactive with your waste programs, but don't own the building, sometimes it is difficult to know exactly how you can minimize your footprint. This is okay! Scrapp for Business allows you to begin tracking the waste you are generating further up the supply chain, so you can gain tangible data metrics on how best to go zero-waste. With concrete data to show your building managers, you can truly move the needle by using our software.
You can think of Scrapp as your one-stop-shop for waste. While the front of it looks like Scrapp, the data that you put into is yours. You get to see in real-time how you can minimise your waste footprint. If your recycling rules change, you have new insights from your haulers - whatever it may be, we have you covered. Our fully integrated digital tools, such as our Separation Stations and Mobile App, include custom branding so your customers and staff can get familiar with the efforts you are making to be zero-waste.
Scrapp for Business provide value in a multitude of ways. Most importantly, is that it saves time and money. Our software integrates with existing procurement and hauler workflows, it effectively boils down your zero-waste programs in a way that gives you ownership over your waste. It equips you with the data and knowledge to negotiate better waste contracts, reduce waste handling fees downstream and turn your waste into worth. Scrapp is a low-cost, high ROI investment that benefits both your community and office or venue environment.