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Your digital solution partner to ensure a successful EPR roll-out

Bolster your EPR program and create shared value with Scrapp's innovative multi-stakeholder technology platform.

Custom support for the EPR transition

The incoming roll-out of EPR is a huge step for transitioning to the circular economy. It requires a monumental lift, adapting to change, and engaging multiple stakeholders - brands, retailers, municipalities and consumers.

Without the right technology platform in place, PROs run the risk of being ill prepared for the scaling of nationwide roll-out.

Positive environmental outcomes, backed by data

Scrapp's system quantifies impact at the local, regional and national level. The impact is magnified through its interoperability - connecting multiple stakeholders through different mediums to encourage the cross-industry collaboration to succeed.

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    Digital educational tools for local communities
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    Integrated software platform for brands & retailers
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    Automated stakeholder reports for EPR compliance

Learn how we're helping local communities →

Innovation - without the risk

As new technology comes onto the market, change can be uncertain for established industries. With Scrapp's multi-faceted software platform, we stay at the forefront of industry innovation, to ensure EPR rollout goes according to plan.

Enhancing the producer community

Our software suite of digital tools makes it easy for the producer community to integrate into nationwide EPR programs, increase the effectiveness of waste communication and bring the education and awareness for it to succeed. Our technology turns compliance into collaboration.

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Learn how we're helping brands & retailers →

Progress your EPR programs with technology that scales

Click below to get in touch with a member of our team.

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